Application For Your Creations: The Best Free instagram Apps!

Application For Your Creations: The Best Free instagram Apps!

I love my instagram. I often call it instacrack. It’s sparked in me a creativity I had ignored. Not only do I love being in front of the camera, I love being behind it also. Taking pictures and making films is a ton of fun. It’s even more rewarding when you have resources to expand your creative reach.
I have discovered a few applications that have made it so I can make killer work and share it on social media.

  • SquareReady and SquareReadyVideo: Apple compatible only, these two handy little applications will take any video you take and format them to fit into the instagram square size. This gives you leeway to capture gorgeous moments and share them on your terms. I use it all the time for my videos. The moment I found it I fell in love. You can add music to your videos and that is an excellent addition. My favorite part is I didn’t pay any money for it, making it one of the best free instagram apps available! You can download both apps free. (A comparable Android application is the Squaredroid App).

SquareReady and SquareReadyVideo

  • Stop Animator App: Another Apple compatable only app is the gem of my day. Every time I use it I am tickled pink. It’s crazy easy and crazy fun to use. You simply take a bunch of pictures and the application compiles them and you have an animated film. There’s endless possibilities with this app. You can get creative in so many ways. I know I have. Again a free app with lots of possibilites, making it one of the best free instagram apps available! (A comparable Android application is Stop-Motion-lite).
  • Frame Magic: In frame magic you can create collages for both images and videos, and you can create slideshows. It’s another best free instagram apps with lots of opportunities. Editing images on Frame Magic is a lot of fun with lots of options to maximize the beauty of your images. You can edit the volume of sound on the video editor which is helpful. I like to use it for those fun one woman songs. It’s another knock out app and connects beautifully to instagram which of course I live for. (Magic Frame is the Android compatible comparable App).

Frame Magic app
What I love about all of these is how user friendly, fun, and free they are. Why not take on the world with just your phone and your imagination.

Have fun creating!



Twitter:@devanitinsInstagram:@devanitinsYouTube:Deva Nitins