Be Thankful. Like, Actually Show Gratitude.
A few years ago, living on my own in NYC, I had an epiphany. The more you thank life, the more life gives you to be thankful for. Seeing everyone get worked up over Thanksgiving plans made me see how little people stopped to appreciate the meaning of today → Besides the get togethers and amazing feasts, there is an obvious purpose. That is to actually be thankful.
I’m thankful for the simple pleasures in life like taking a stroll down the street and enjoying mother nature’s seasons. I’m thankful for the support of family and friends. I’m thankful for the people you were, the people you are, and the greatness YOU all can be. I’m thankful for walking through this life holding faith’s hand and always believing that great things are around the bend.
So anyway you say it SAY IT LOUD AND SAY IT PROUD!!! Don’t forget to say it often =)