Look Up! Empire State Building Honors MLB Teams for Opening Day!

Look Up! Empire State Building Honors MLB Teams for Opening Day!

Some amazing things happen in NYC and thanks to Adam Khan, I’m in the loop! Adam is one of my top 10 favorite people to follow on Twitter because his feed is always inspiring, informative, and positive. So tonight when he posted about the Empire State Building lighting up with colors of the MLB teams to honor Opening Day, I thought it would be a crime if I didn’t share this beauty with my Doosts!

The iconic New York City landmark will be lit up with a rotating display of all 30 Major League Baseball club colors on Monday night in recognition of the start of the regular season. All of the clubs, from red for the Red Sox to pinstripes for the Yankees, will be represented in the tower’s LED lights.

— read more here and follow @Khanoisseur!!!