Spare Yourself $100 from Your Taxes

Spare Yourself $100 from Your Taxes

If you find yourself with a spare $100 (which one should find themselves with every so often) invest it in one of these unique, interesting, and possibly sexy ways.

  1. Get a genetics history report. You can find out all about your genetic history through a genetic test. What continents does your genetic code hail from? There are so many questions with so many answers; a fair investment for just $99.

Two cool websites are:

  • — what makes this test unique is the discover of how neanderthal you are.
  • — what makes this test unique is the fact that you can connect with your genetic relatives if they’ve taken the test.
  1. Invest in ethical porn. We all love to get sexy, so why not get sexy with quality and a clear conscience. The internet is full of porn but can you speak to the quality and ethics of it, usually not. That’s why I love, it’s ethical, sexy, and beautifully shot! For $69.95 you can get 3 months subscription.

  2. Get yourself those lessons for that thing that you’ve always wanted to try but never had time for. For me, I am getting dance lessons so I can learn to whine, it’s hard and I love it. There are a countless number of things that you can try, so why not? It will be fun and you are worth it!

Enjoy your tax season folks!



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