Favorite Few Ways to Have the Best Summer

Favorite Few Ways to Have the Best Summer

<3 It’s summer time. The sun is starting to shine and now it’s time to make this the BEST SUMMER EVER! Hold up. That’s way to much pressure. You can’t make anything do anything. From my experience the more you force something the worse it gets, much like tires stuck in the mud. So how do you make a summer a fun and memorable one?


I decided to look back over the years and consider, what did I do right, when my summers were the best.

I broke it down!

  • You’ve got to let go of the reins. No you can’t have a perfectly planned trip/day it’s going to work out how it works out.
  • You’re friends and family are the people you are going to remember. My best summer vacations have always involved them. So put down your cell phone and get to know the people you love.
  • Giving yourself an actual break. I know there’s so much to be done while the sun is shining but you aren’t going to fully enjoy it without chilling out too. Spend some actual R and R.

summer, deva nitinsI hope you all have an incredible summer, I know I will. May the flow go with you!

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