For All You Espresso Lovers

For All You Espresso Lovers

Hello my WTD readers! What’s your coffee taste? Do you enjoy the classic drip or are you more of a fancy cappuccino drinker?  cappuccino, what the doost, breakfast beverages

Last week I had the pleasure of meeting Jose Rivera, Tech Barista for the NYC Coffee Academy, who shared some interesting facts with me about the bean I depend on most.

Many of us indulge in the spirit of coffee. Often times there are misconceptions, but allow me to brighten your experience:

For example, the coffee bean is the real deal! There’s no such thing as an espresso bean, they do not exist. If u see it on a bag or label it just means it’s geared towards espresso. 

It’s no surprise Italians came up with the espresso but the bean does not grow there. It is imported and roasted best in the land of Italy. If you love coffee like me then you might be surprised to learn you speak some Italian yourself.

Macchiato = “stain”

Cappuccino = “white coffee”

Latte = “milk”

“Americano” comes from the Americans. It originated in World War II where Americans were looking for a good old fashion ‘cup of Joe.’ The espresso diluted makes it weaker and for some more enjoyable and more like the drip that Americans are used to drinking.

Jose explains that there are many types of coffee we drink, but the two most common beans are ‘arabica’ and ‘robusta.’

Coffee is grown in humid climates, check out the Coffee Bean Belt below. Impressive no?

coffee belt map, what the doost,
Americans have changed the way coffee is roasted, giving the options of light or medium. Whereas, Italians enjoy theirs roasted dark.

coffee bean sack, what the doost

Thank you Jose Rivera for sharing your knowledge with The Doost and my lovely readers!

I’m very passionate about my job. There’s a lot of room for growing. – Jose Rivera