10 Hilariously Clever Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas
Halloween is great! Especially when you can poke fun of yourself and be creative.
This is the time to go over board with your make-up and get away with it by calling it ‘face paint.’ Go ahead boys and girls, wear that lipstick that just seems too eccentric for any other day.
This is for those who were too busy having fun and adjusting to winter to realize it’s nearly the end of October and you don’t have a costume?!
I complied a list of the funniest and cleverest costumes from Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, and the trusted google search. All these can be found in your closet. So keep yourself on a budget, because Christmas is next to creep up on you and you need those extra dollar savings for gifts.
Here are 10 insanely clever last-minute ideas for your costume:
1. Be a Lego
Just paint a box and cut holes for your head and arms, then glue SOLO cups to the front.
Tip: Write “LEGO” on the cups if you really want your friends to get it without thinking.
2. The 404 Error costume
Take a Sharpie to a plain white tee 😉
3. Be an Ad! Like the Brawny Man or Mr. Clean
Use your plaid shirt and pair it with a rugged stubble. Bring along a Brawny roll and get ready for some ‘aaaahhhhhhh’s’ accompanied by laughs. This costume would be hilarious on a woman or dog.
Also, try being Mr. Clean. All you need is a white tee, gold earring and a bald cap. The bushy white eyebrows are a plus.
4. Thinner & Bigger Doppelgänge
This one’s hilarious! Pair up with a thinner and bigger doppelgänger → go as the before-and-after weight loss ad.
5. The life-size human stick figure.
Choose a solid color, preferably white and use black tape and create the lines. Cut out a board and add a bow 😉
6. Be the infamous Mary Poppins
Find a kooky hat, an old floral bag and go through your closet for a long black skirt, matching blazer and a white blouse. Wrap yourself up in a scarf, pick up an umbrella and you’ll be “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” in no time.
7. Wednesday Adams made tough look easy
All you need is a black button-down tucked into a black skirt with two braids, on each side. And make sure to use your bitchy resting face 😉
8. Rosie the Riveter
Look like a bada** and own the strength of a woman!
9. Did you loooooove Clueless?
Grab your BFF and get cute 😉 Cher and Dionne… “As if!”
10. Walter White the way we all remember him and love.
If all fails, throw on a tutu and hit the streets! Ace Ventura style 😉
Furthermore ~ my lovely readers ♥ send me your great Halloween ideas! What will you dress up as? And were these helpful??
For more click on the links below:
Buzzfeed DIY
Buzzfeed Last Minute Costumes
HuffPost Style Creative Costumes
Huffington Post great costume ideas!