Today’s Quote: Rise Up to Your Worth

If you’re going to be high maintenance be worth it!

-Jeff Gordon

We live in a large world where everyone has an opinion. Labels like being high maintenance follow with negative impressions. But I think it’s ok to be high maintenance if you can back it up.

It’s ok for someone like Mariah Carey to be high maintenance because she delivers results, but it’s not ok when someone is high maintenance and then sucks.

Your time is precious and you are valuable.

There is nothing so rewarding as to make people realize that they are worthwhile in this world.

– Bob Anderson

This will essentially make you a better person and YOU will ignite a chain reaction. In the same way negativity is spread so is positivity!

It’s about building yourself up and creating that type of high maintenance you earned. Be high maintenance because you’re worth it not because you feel entitled to it.