I’d Much Prefer to Cast a Light – Columbus Day rethought

This morning Theoatmeal.com published an essay arguing that Columbus day should be re-named for Bartolome de las Casas.  I would like to present the conclusion of this essay in reverse to illustrate the intended light.  What are your thoughts?!:

Bartolomé de las Casas

Bartolomé de las Casas

Bartolomé Day instead of Columbus Day

Bartolomé Day instead of Columbus Day

Bartolomé spent 50 years fighting for universal human rights

Bartolomé spent 50 years fighting for universal human rights

Casting a light on Bartolomé

Casting a light on Bartolomé


Columbus doesn't stack up

Columbus doesn’t stack up


For the rest of the essay, please Click Here.


A compelling argument to say the least.  Do you agree?  Who deserves to be honored on this day?  Please comment below!