#NeverForget 14 Years and It Still Feels Like Yesterday ║ Remembering 9/11
There is a special place for tragedies in one’s heart. It’s where strength is built and new beginnings are formed.
Most people, all around the world, remember where they were the morning of 9/11. When the planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
The lives lost will never be replaced and the darkness that came upon the city should never be repeated. Through this tragedy something beautiful emerged, a form of union amongst us. We created love, peace and compassion. We, as a nation, portrayed those aspects more than ever.
I’ve heard many remarkable stories of people who ‘should have been there.’ People who had missed their meeting, flight to NY or simply were late to work. This helps me whenever I’ve missed an appointment, whether I woke up too late or got delayed because of the train or traffic. It’s okay. It will all be okay. Just trust in yourself and love all around. Be courteous, respectful and kind. You can never appreciate your surroundings if you’re too busy cursing your current situations. ✌