Kickstart Yourself: Finding Ways to Self-Motivate
Much like a car, we sometimes need a kickstart. Whether you want to take your career to the next level, improve the quality of your life, or achieve whatever goal it is that you set for yourself getting started can be a struggle. And the struggle is real. I live it and I’m sure you’ve lived it too. So while you’re in the hazy mist of the beginning of a journey, I’m going to give you some great ways to get going.
1. Set yourself ten goals (written on paper) and then do them. When you achieve those ten goals, set yourself ten more. This will hold you accountable to your process and continue down the path.
2. Accept the journey that will bring in the gold. If you spend a ton of time worrying about the end result you aren’t living in the real world. What counts are the steps to your goals. The best things in life aren’t free, so live here and not in a fantasy. Know what you want. Accept and execute the steps it takes to get achieve your goal.
3. The best thing you can do for yourself is love and respect yourself. Much like being in a relationship, you need to accept your flaws and positive attributes. By embracing the whole of your being you are giving yourself the opportunity to flourish regardless of your “imperfections.” So get out of your own way and go for it, warts and all.
This is the advice I hear from myself and my loved ones daily. As an artist you have to be a self starter and to achieve big things it’s true in any feild. Your most powerful tool is you, so utilize yourself and kickstart your mind.
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