Quotes Every Human Can Learn From: Wise Words from Patti Smith
Patti Smith understands that words have power. Sometimes the right words can provide insight that overpower negative feelings, replacing them with something true.
In her memoir Just Kids, Patti Smith writes about both times of suffering and moments of profound beauty with equal nuance. In the video below, she addresses the importance and inevitability of hard times, as they balance out the good.
I watched this at a time that I really needed to hear these words. I hope you, lovely reader, have a similar experience. Clips from the entire interview can be found here, but i was drawn to the clip titled “Advice to the Young”. Despite the video’s title I’m inclined to think that it applies to all ages, a claim endorsed by the age range of the glowing audience members occasionally given camera time.
View the video below.
Patti Smith – Advice to the Young
At one point she shares advice she personally received from William Burroughs. Cause ya know. That’s just the kind of thing that happens to Patti Smith.
Build a good name. Keep your name clean. Don’t make compromises, don’t worry about making a bunch of money or being successful. Be concerned with doing good work, and make the right choices, and protect your work. And if you build a good name, eventually, you know, that name will be it’s own currency.