A Few Ways to Deal With Loss
Robin Williams’ death has brought on an onslaught of feelings about all the people I have lost in my life and how I have coped with the loss of all these people. Whether it be death, relationships ending, or someone moving we lose people all the time. It can be very painful but there is always a way to get through the roughest patches of life. From my own personal experience I brought together a list of tools I use to deal with loss. I hope it helps you on your journey.
- Do something creative. Take your pain and empty space and fill it with a productive and soul enriching project. I like to paint, sing, write, act, and dance to move loss through myself. You could build something be it a model boat or a charitable organization. A powerful way to heal, is to give.
- Allow yourself to feel what you need to. Give yourself some time to process. And know that you are not alone in your feelings. You aren’t going crazy and it’s perfectly valid to feel the way you do. I know through personal experience that the more you bottle the more it comes to bite you in the booty in all aspects of your life. Stay true to your blue but don’t get swept away.
- Find people who support you and are there for you. Whether its a support group or a supportive family members or friends. Find people to talk to and who are there to help you through the rough patches. In general I say talk to a professional but I know it’s not always possible. Because a knowledgable guiding hand is always powerful. As long as you have more than just yourself to carry a load of loss you’ll be fine.
Love and Gratitude
Deva Nitins
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