Get up! Rise up!
Rise & Shine my lovely WTD readers! It’s time to adapt some healthy habits and prepare yourself for SUCCESS!! What does it take? I believe, like Muhammad Ali, that “Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.” In the world of success it takes more skill than just showing up and getting the job done! It takes a lifestyle and the right kind of habits to place you where you need to be.
Recently, the web has been streaming with great tips on success and the healthy habits of top leaders. I chose to use Forbes’ article by Jennifer Cohen who shares 5 Things Super Successful People Do Before 8 AM
That’s right, early rising is a common trait found in many CEOs, government officials, and other influential people. Margaret Thatcher was up every day at 5 a.m.; Frank Lloyd Wright at 4 am and Robert Iger, the CEO of Disney wakes at 4:30am just to name a few.
According to Inc. Magazine, morning people are more proactive and more productive.
1. Exercise.
Exercise is a healthy habit to embark on daily. Starting your day off by exercising raises your energy level for the rest of your day and reduces the chance that you’ll make excuses to not be active later in the day. It helps maintain balance and harmony in our lives and it’s our job to accomplish it. We are composed of three different elements that all work as one – Mind, Body, and Soul.
2. Map Out Your Day.
When we go into our day without a plan, we can get off track early which throws our entire day off. By waking up a little bit early and mapping out our day, we can set our course with a clear head which makes it much easier to plan our day to best achieve our goals.
3. Eat a Healthy Breakfast.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating eggs, healthy cereals, fruits, or vegetables can wake your mind and body up and give it the nutrition it needs to start the day. Eating an early breakfast gets your metabolism going which creates energy that your body uses to be active, you’re active so you get hungry again, and you can eat more healthy food to keep your energy up throughout the day.
Small meals throughout the day is like putting more wood on a fire. If you use too much, you can put out the flame.
4. Visualization.
To achieve your goals, it is important to be clear on what those goals are. Once you’ve chosen your future path wisely, it is crucial that you continue to remind yourself of what those goals are continually until you’ve achieved them. By taking a few minutes in the morning to think about what your long and short term goals are, you can set a foundation for all the little choices you make throughout the day.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself where you’d like to be and what you’d like to achieve. Your emotions can’t tell the difference between imagining something and experiencing it in real life. When you come across the defining moments in your life, you will be prepared to know how to handle the situation and your desired outcome.
5. Make Your Day Top Heavy. Plan the most important, difficult, or stressful items for early in the day so you can get them out of the way if you can or use it as the thing you avoid if you’re a procrastinator. You’ll get all the other stuff on your list done early and by the time you actually tackle the beast it won’t be too late. Success!
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