The Influence of Travel on Top Designers & Their Collections NYFW│FW17
When I first started covering fashion and dove into the NYFW scene — a question I always asked was…
What inspires you?
Often times, the answer lay in travels. Whether it was from their own heritage, homeland, or foreign destination — the way the designer would answer the question would light up their ora. I don’t know what I enjoyed most — their answers or the way they lit up.
Malan Breton brought back Taiwanese traditions, digging back into his roots and being enlightened by his findings.
While many designers have come → the epic-ness, talents and consistency of Georgine will always bring a smile to my heart! She is very humble, oh so beautiful, and a classic gem all around. She is #friendsgoal ツ
This year I missed to attend her show in person → but thanks to social media, the world wide web, and her awesome publicist → I was very up-to-date.
I’m use to seeing Georgine pull from all sorts of places. From time era’s to beachside sophistication and bold enough to do the unthinkable, yet make it look GOOD. But this year — Georgine did something very different. She took us into the future, maybe even some place galactic, and I love it!
The inspiration for the GEORGINE Fall/Winter 2017 collection comes from permanent hotel dwellers, those glamorous creatures that have called the world’s most interesting properties home. Ranging from Coco Chanel’s suite at The Ritz and Oscar Wilde’s chambers at Hotel d’Alsace, to Howard Hughes bungalow at The Beverly Hills Hotel, and Edie Sedgwick’s room at The Chelsea Hotel, the transient energy of a chic enclave fueled their creativity and made everyday feel like a permanent vacation.
— Resident
Always keeping it elegant, yet with edge. Fascinating how much travel enriches our souls. I truly believe it is the only thing you CAN buy that makes you richer. Because whatever it is you learn — from struggles to moments of peace and clarity — traveling is a key to advancing. The knowledge gained from it can be applied to so many areas of your life. And yes, I believe it makes you better at your job, at your relationships, and even shows you the value of strangers and their kindness.
So get lost to find yourselves doosts ♥ I know I am…