How to Dress Like a Trendy Parisian
The French have mastered one of the best and most iconic styles, the Parisian look. An effortlessly chic component where style and comfort are embellished and unite together. A trend that will never fade because it was crafted to last…

A Carrie Bradshaw sort of day || Manhattan with Alvin Caban Photography
Just about every time I have a girlfriend book her tickets to come visit me in NYC, there’s {pretty, much always} a minor freakout that goes something along the lines of: “OMG, We’re going to be just like Carrie Bradshaw!!”…

Contemporary Androgynous Style
As 2014 approaches, I think something worth talking about is androgyny, the blurred line between male and female. This is a concept that speaks loudly in the world of fashion. Designers worldwide are expressing the many faces of androgyny and…