What You May Not Know About Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher
Update Jan. 12th. 2017: “This is just the kind of news we needed to get over the mid-week hump. Singin’ in the Rain is coming back to theaters this weekend and we are buying our tickets ASAP. Entertainment Weekly reports…

V is for Victory ║ M is for Misery by Jill Firns
I tend to not get personal on my blog, because part of me likes to think I’m supposed to uphold some strange semblance of a division. A division between “the real” me and what goes onto the internet. No one…

A Note on Fragility and Hope
Do you ever have a picture that stands out in your memory so vividly, it’s like you can see it in front of you even when it’s not there? Usually, when I travel and take photos — no matter how…

Suubi Means Hope || A short on my month-long trip to Uganda
It’s been almost exactly a year since I returned from my month-long trip to Uganda. I’ve been going through the photos I took — you can expect to see many of them soon. My trip to Uganda was such an…