The Red Door Spa ♥ Where Women Unite and Life Unites Women
When it comes to gift giving this holiday season, I’ve been filling my shopping cart with experiences rather than things. My most favorite kinds are the experiences I get to be a part of too. This means sharing everything we…

Tips from a Life Coach In Tune with Both Worlds — Krista from the Self-ish Lifestyle
The world can be a whole lot of things → #AllTheFeels But I’ve found that through the beauty of humanity and the experts who make it their mission to uplift others ♥ the world is a beautiful place. I got lucky when…

12 Things Truly Confident People Do Differently
Today I read an article that inspired me. This CEO, Dan Price of Gravity Payments, cut his million dollar salary over 90% to give all his employees a raise: Mr. Price surprised his 120-person staff by announcing that he planned over…

Embrace Goodness
Never let your inner child fade. Your imagination was once the inspiration to all your dreams. When you’re Happy for No Reason, you bring happiness to your outer experiences rather than trying to extract happiness from them. You don’t need…
Art & Happiness
Manhattan. August 2013 Farther down the street, near the MoMA Museum, I came across a display of giant-sized unique looking dolls. The reflection kept getting in the way of the picture so I decided to make it part of it….