The Bridge Between Dreaming and Living Our Dreams
One of the most extravagant and adventurous journeys we take is the path to finding ourselves ♡ this is the bridge between dreaming and living our dreams. It’s not easy, and it often gets complicated but I can promise you it…

Oh The Places You Will Go … The Daily Doost
Oh the places you will go <3 It’s one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books. One of those I can recite in my head and think of at the most bizarre moments, moments like today as I’m running on concrete…

Favorite Few Kids Books For Adults
It’s my birthday today! Yay, for escaping the birth canal! I have been in a retrospective state, considering the many things that shape a person and I realized that many of those things are books and the ideas they provide….

Dr. Seuss Life Lessons: The Daily Doost
Dr. Seuss taught me about more than just green eggs and ham. Growing up is hard to do and no simple manual is attached. The roller coaster of life is a beautiful and messy process with lots of challenges to test us…

8 of the Best Valentine’s Day ♡ Quotes of Love
Everyday and every moment should be a time to celebrate love; for love comes in many forms and makes the world a better place. ➀ “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than…

The Best Christmas Quotes to Include in Your Next Holiday Card
Christmas is a joyous time, one of my favorite things about the holidays are feeling like a kid again. It seems like no matter how old I get, when the holiday cheers are just around the corner I get a…