The Professor
Growing up, I was inspired by many television scientists. They had the ability to take scientific ideas and present them in a way that the audience could relate to. Mr. Wizard, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and Carl Sagan all…

How We Built a Great Futon!
Ladies & Gents are you looking for the right Futon Couch to accommodate your guests? Are you concerned about the quality, comfort, style, and price? You may think you’re asking for too much but let me assure you, you are…

The NCAA Championship Game
Florida State Auburn BCS National Championship Even if you’re not a big sports fan, it’s important to pay attention to the big games, important players, and who wins. Nelson Mandela said: “Sport has the power to change the world…it has…

Challenge Yourself to Live Your Dreams!
The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams. – Oprah Winfrey Fall in love with your life! Why? Because you know what you want and you can take it there. I’m a big believer…

Merry Christmas and Puppies!
Christmas is one of the most anticipated holidays in the United States. December is a wonderful time to reflect on the past year and to look forward to the next! My favorite thing about this holiday is the moments leading…

The Perfect Purse For Your Style
What makes an outfit complete? It’s a combination of the clothes, the colors, our favorite accessories, and how you wear it! Many things fit into place to make an outfit the perfect style. One of the most important staples is…

The Wisdom of JFK
50 years ago today, one of America’s most beloved leaders was assassinated in Dallas. While JFK left this world too soon, his legacy lives on in his words. Here is a selection of some of his greatest messages: Related articles…

There is Always Room for You to Grow and Evolve
We as humans have a tendency of compartmentalizing our experiences, but many things we deem to be different are actually quite similar. We can learn lessons from many sources. For the past 25 years, scientists have been studying bacteria evolve…

NYC Marathon Tips: Preventing Running Injuries
The marathon countdown is ON! Three more days and more to prep for =) Here are some tips to help you prevent injuries. Lisa Elaine Held wrote an incredible article highlighting a few great tips. She knows all the best health…

National Cat Day
Today is National Cat Day! So honor them felines and spread some love <3 All cat lovers join together every October 29 to celebrate our feline pals and encourage their adoption. Huffington Post writes; It first started in 2005, and this year organizers…

Create Your Own Job Like Steve Jobs
Here’s to a man that created a revolution. His dreams became our reality and we continue to exceed the possibilities of technology long after he is gone. Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round…
Create Opportunity
“He just saw the opportunity, I suppose.” The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald It is important to think beyond what may be. Things happen in an instance and it’s the way we react to them that define us as who…

Recipe for Aashak the Afghan Styled Dumplings
The more my taste buds indulge into different cultures the more similarities I connect. One of them is that each nation has their own version of dumplings. A pocket of dough stuffed with savory or sweets. Like ravioli, pierogi’s, samosas,…