Favorite Few Ways to Procrastinate
I know we all do it, we procrastinate. It’s holding off on doing our taxes till last minute, it’s finishing a paper the night before it’s due, it’s buying a present on the way to the party, and it’s never…

hey doosts, A here! so as always, i’ve been spending countless hours contemplating about what to share with all you betches next (and if you’ve been following my insta like you’re suppose to be!)…you would all know that I’m constantly…

Best Dressed at The Belmont!
What a day! To my surprise, The Belmont is an all day event that included 13 races this year with the famed Belmont Stakes as the main event. The day was blessed with perfect 80 degree and sunny weather…

Get Ready for the Dawn of the Wearable Economy at GLAZEDCon 2014!
Less than a week left until GLAZEDCon 2014! If you’re interested in the future of wearable technology, the world’s upcoming startups, or the people who made technology today, you won’t want to miss this conference. The Doost’s Ivana Woods will bring you…

BEET Burgers Even Your Carnivorous Friends Will Love
hey doosts, it’s A here! as we reminisce about our memorial day weekend freedom, i thought to myself…and maybe out loud to the cat once or twice…”what better way to welcome the new work week than to rub my awesome…

Memorial Day: The Daily Doost
Memorial Day this year is especially important as we are reminded almost daily of the great sacrifices that the men and women of the armed services make to defend our way of life. — Robin Hayes Happy Memorial Day friends! I…

Favorite Few Ways to Have Free Fun with Friends
Hello to all! I don’t know about you but sometimes when the cash is strapped it’s hard to think of something fun to do. So I made a list of my favorite activities that are free! Start off by having an…

“Let it Be” with Paul McCartney: The Daily Doost
What I have to say is all in the music. If I want to say anything, I write a song. -PM In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. -PM Some people are…

Dare to Achieve: The Daily Doost
They will always tell you that you can’t do what you want to do, but you can do what you want to do. You just have to believe in yourself. The system is to bring you down, but you can…

Favorite Few Ways to Turn a Day Around by Deva
Not every day is what you expect it to be. Life throws curve balls and you have to keep on doing what needs to be done. This week I want to share with all of you, my favorite few ways…

Deva Does What The Doost, A Match Made in Heaven!
Hello to all the wonderful “What the Doost” readers, I’d love to introduce myself! I’m Deva Nitins and I have come to share with you my Favorite Few. I am a vlogger, actress, and student of life. I am here to…

Happy Friday! The Daily Doost
Man’s greatness lies in his power of thought. -Blaise Pascal Welcome, you have made it to Friday! Relax, enjoy, and indulge into your weekend. This means lots of things and in light of the greatness that is the end of…

Dr. Seuss Life Lessons: The Daily Doost
Dr. Seuss taught me about more than just green eggs and ham. Growing up is hard to do and no simple manual is attached. The roller coaster of life is a beautiful and messy process with lots of challenges to test us…

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes: The Daily Doost
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. -Anatole France Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity. -Kahil Gibran Never underestimate the strength of your…

6 Magical Disney Inspired Places that Really Do Exist
The world of Disney and fairy tales were a big part of my childhood. Can you relate? I learned so many valuable life lessons from the movies created under Disney’s roof. Beauty & the Beast taught me not to judge…

Where There is Love There is Life: The Daily Doost
Where there is love there is life. – Mahatma Gandhi The sun is on our side and this weekend is about having fun with love! So enjoy being a little selfish, pamper yourself, and love your surroundings and the people that make…

3 Quotes to Bring You Peace and Love: The Daily Doost
Good morning friends, the work week is almost to an end, two more days to push through. So here are a few quotes to remind you how to deal. When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of…

Eco Friendly Watches! by Amarjit Singh
How Earth Day can be every day! Eco-friendly Timepieces Trendy and GREEN! I was inspired with a gift I got today from CBS’s TheTalk, the show had a Giveaway of Eco Friendly gifts; I got one of these timepieces…

8 Instagram Photographers You Should Follow Right Now!!
On my commute up to CT for the holidays, I do the usual web browsing; searching for cool articles, catching up on my social media, all while listening to great tunes. This is a must share gem I found on…