The City of Angels { Photoshoot }
On my last trip to LA, I had an impromptu photo shoot with the very talented Gil Riego and I’m so happy with how the photos turned out. We shot in and around the Arts District as well as the…

Tips and Tricks: Surviving Traffic Hell
From the beginning of time, no I’m kidding, from the beginning of transportation use traffic has always existed. And until we get the hover cars, here are a few of my favorite ways to get through the congestion. #winning! Favorite…

Quotes Every Human Can Learn From: Week 1 with Dorothy Parker
Dorothy Parker quotes are perfect for those days when nothing seems genuine and your mouth hurts from fake-smiling, because Dottie didn’t have time for that noise. A celebrated poet, critic, satirist, short-story writer and screenwriter, she was fired from Vanity…

Play it Out at Lingerie Fashion Week SS15; Exclusive Interview with Designers & Models
Attending Lingerie FW 2014 was amazing! So many talented designers & inspiring styles! Here I am spotlighting Play Out Apparel. Play Out designers & partners Abby Sugar and Sylvie Lardeux are one cool duo! Sitting backstage with them while sharing the…

Make Your Early Mornings AWESOME!
Hey Doosters! We all have to do it sometimes, wake up at the crack of dawn or even before then! I have of late, been waking up between 3:30 and 6am. This means I’ve had to figure out how to…

A Dozen Tips to Find Your Lost Dog
It can be overwhelming and seemingly a hopeless mission to find your pet in a big city when you lose them. Millions of people, cars, places to go… Where do you start? What do you prioritize? Where do you go?…

A Solution for Dark Circles from Restless Nights by Expert Jessica Marti
Beauty is in a woman who has an inner soul that resonates through her pores. Her beauty is that of which demands to be seen, loved and appreciated just by her aura, her essence. She Glows. A woman isn’t and should…

Exfoliate Your Stress Away with Spadet!
These last two weeks I have been crazy busy. I got a new job, got sick, and booked three acting gigs. Needless to say I have been up to my neck in business. That’s why I’m really happy…

DIY Halloween Costume Idea || Zombie Wound Tutorial
To all my my procrastinators, budget-friendly recessionistas and/or Pinterest-savvy DIYers that still need to get a costume for Halloween, I’ve got you covered with this zombie make-up tutorial. Fake wounds are easy to create and customize, and the best part…

Your Mind Is Your Vanity Table by Jessica Marti
You sit at your vanity, look in the mirror and prepare for the day. As you look at yourself and think …. Are you living your life as you were meant to live it. If you are not, what is really…

Why I Only Took a Dozen Photos at Burning Man
As many of you may know, I spent most of my August and September traveling. My October so far has consisted of readjusting to my NYC-life, so I apologize for my Burning Man posts not being as timely as I…

A Lesson in Perfection
Have you ever showed up to work and had someone ask you to do something that totally isn’t your style, only to have it turn out to be something you’re really proud of? I did hair for NYC-based photographer Lotus Josephine…

Chronicles of an Uncool-Cool Kid by Jill Firns
Just a few nights ago, I was exiting the restroom at one of my favorite bars. I had just divvied out a number of facial tissues from my purse in my stall, passing them under the wall to my left,…

How to Create Your Signature Cat Eye by Expert Jessica Marti
A forever ‘do’ to wear all year round is the ‘Classic Cat Eye.’ Designers are obsessed with this look and you can master it too! There isn’t just one way to complete a successful cat eye, so let’s ease in…

My Own Private Beach || Isla Icacos in Puerto Rico
As many of you know, I was in Puerto Rico for a quick trip over the summer (read the story on it here). My video on one of my favorite beaches in the world never made it onto my blog,…

A Carrie Bradshaw sort of day || Manhattan with Alvin Caban Photography
Just about every time I have a girlfriend book her tickets to come visit me in NYC, there’s {pretty, much always} a minor freakout that goes something along the lines of: “OMG, We’re going to be just like Carrie Bradshaw!!”…

Take A Trip To Kuwait & Shimmer Like Juana Grant
Being A Trendsetter Goes Way Further Than Setting Fashion Trends. It Means You Must think Outside of The Box! And Taking A Trip To Kuwait Is Definitely Outside Of The Box! Only 1 hour and 30 min flight from Dubai, Kuwait…

A Ghosttown Photoshoot at the Salton Sea, California
When I first mentioned the Salton Sea to my friend Sinem and photographer Sinem Yazici, her eyes widened and she grabbed my hand. “We have to shoot there,” she announced. At the time, I encouraged the idea but never thought…

Make it a Spa-Day Everyday with SPAdet!
This week I’ve had the absolute pleasure of reviewing some of SPAdet’s line. SPAdet (spa-day) is a line of 100% natural beauty products for your home, so you can have a “SPAdet” everyday! I am a firm believer in using…

The Real Story Behind Central Park Horse Conditions by Rain Dove Dubilewski
WARNING! The blog you are about to read is on a VERY controversial issue. The views that I am expressing are MY own personal views. My PERSONAL opinion is neither right nor wrong. It is simply how I see this issue…