I love desserts. No matter how full I am I always need to indulge into something sweet after my meals. I also love creating my own dishes with friends and family. It’s not just delicious but fun too. <…
Dale Carnegie was an interesting man. Mainly because he knew how to be genuinly intrested in his audience. He had famous conversations, wrote intelligent books, and researched some of the most interesting subjects we still talk about today. His success…
You cannot hate, argue, reason, fight, complain or yell at a dark room enough to illuminate it – only by shining a Light is darkness overcome. Be that Light. –Anonymous I think it’s important to rise above people’s bullshit….
Take a stroll down your street and be amazed at what you find ✌ “One’s life and passion may be elsewhere, but New York is where you prove if what you think in theory makes sense in life.” Miuccia Prada Found…
“He just saw the opportunity, I suppose.” The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald It is important to think beyond what may be. Things happen in an instance and it’s the way we react to them that define us as who…

The more my taste buds indulge into different cultures the more similarities I connect. One of them is that each nation has their own version of dumplings. A pocket of dough stuffed with savory or sweets. Like ravioli, pierogi’s, samosas,…
“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” -Dr. Wayne Dyer “Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow…
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” -Audrey Hepburn
Great things happen all around us. We are fortunate enough to have the things we need. The universe has a way of knowing our hardships and providing nourishment wherever needed. Sometimes its an opportunity and sometimes its a person. And…
Peace is the result of understanding and sharing. “The thought manifests as the word; The word manifests as the deed; The deed develops into habit; And habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care, And…
DJ Questlove’s tunes stole my heart!! And all for a good cause. A few days ago I posted about a fun event New Yorkers should try this summer. ABSOLUT® and Flavorpill collided minds with talented desk and disc jockeys to raise money…
Life is beautiful. We’re constantly growing and, if you’re wise, you’re improving. With that said, life can get hard, unfair and sometimes even unbearable. But that’s where strength builds. A quote that’s embedded in my conscience comes from Ralph Waldo…

Some of the best things in life are free, especially when it’s in NYC. There’s always something to be entertained by. Today’s treasure, a daytime dance party provided by ABSOLUT® and Flavorpill. During the summer, Fridays are a blessing. Desk and disc…
I have always been a believer in a greater power. I also believe, that God would not put you through struggles he didn’t trust you could handle. Sometimes we really have to push the best out of ourselves. And often…
Deep in the woods and into Upstate NY near Rock Hill, resides a small cabin town around wonderful water, Lake Wanaksink. Good Morning Lake ✌ the joy this moment now is indescribable. Lucky for me, the pictures will forever last….