A Women’s Movement in Tanzania Supporting Youth Education
Buy Jewelry for a Cause Upendo Jewelry and the Made by Maasai Shop There’s a bright girl named Rehema* who attends the 7th grade at O’Brien School for the Maasai, a primary school in Tanzania. She loves to read donated…

Canada’s West Coast Is Freaking Awesome | Victoria, BC
Victoria, BC is one of my favorite cities. It satisfies my thirst for outdoor natural beauty while also providing all the amenities and idiosyncrasies of an urban setting. There are a gagillion different activities you can do whether you’re downtown, walking the Harbor, out on…

Street Style in NYC | Farewell to Spring 2016
My Doosts! Aloha. Welcome to this edition of my NYC street style post, a.k.a. a space where I upload images and quotes of people I encounter who make me go ↓ daaaang, something fabulous is going on with this person. These posts are not about specific…

Street Style in NYC ♡ April 2016 Edition
Street Style is BACK with a focus on self-care and self-love. As many wise people have said, if you can’t take care of yourself, you are of no use to anyone. Building the self-awareness to know what is best for…

Happy 50th Anniversary Betsey Johnson ║ A Glimpse Into Her SS16 NYFW Castings
Betsey Johnson has been a fashion designer for fifty years. At age 73 she still does cartwheels and splits at every one of her fashion shows. Talk about consistency. Betsey hung out with Andy Warhol, used Edie Sedgwick as her fit…

Tips for a Non-Traditional & Budget Friendly Wedding ║ Here Comes The Bride!
To follow-up on “Sessy Tips for Low-Budget Weddings” I interviewed newlyweds who recently organized their own low-budget union. They graciously answered my questions, and shared what they learned from planning the wedding that they both wanted. Alia and Brandon are close…

Street Style NYC ║ April Edition
It was a balmy Saturday, and I was on my way to a Mets game from Harlem. On my way I captured actress Yevgeniya (aka Yevi) looking rad as all get-out in Batman marvel leggings, a jersey tee and a Miami Heat cap….

Sessy Tips For Low-Budget Weddings
Small DIY weddings are not for everyone, but if the budget is low and the wants and needs of the couple are clearly realized, there may be no need for a wedding planner, or for an expensive event that breaks…

Superhero Store Inspires a Super Musical
In Brooklyn’s Park Slope neighborhood is a place that passersby sometimes mistake for a hardware store. These people tend to be surprised when they see that spray-cans are full of non-toxic Intuition and stain-resistant Magnetism rather than paint. From the outside,…

Learning to Talk About Race
Someone whom I know to be highly intelligent, and whom I love unconditionally, was pissing me off. I hadn’t seen him for several months, namely since before Michael Brown was killed by Darren Wilson. It’s also worth mentioning that he’s…

Quotes Every Human Can Learn From: Dolly Parton, the Human Rainbow
Dolly Parton is a glittering beacon of positivity. A funk-tastic example of how far a lady can go with self-awareness, determination, and the business sense to garner success from her talent. I look like a woman but I think like a…

Bella on Demand App Brings High-End Beauty Team To You
On Wednesday night, Bella on Demand launched their new app. The app brings high-end hair stylists and makeup artists to your home or office. If you are in a time crunch, don’t know where to find a makeup, hair, or nail person…

Quotes Every Human Can Learn From: Remembering Maya Angelou
Earlier this year, a diva from the highest of divadry orders passed from this Earthly realm. By “diva” I mean a highly accomplished woman worthy of praise and reverence. Words cannot do justice to the magnitude of Maya Angelou’s life….

Quotes Every Human Can Learn From: Week 1 with Dorothy Parker
Dorothy Parker quotes are perfect for those days when nothing seems genuine and your mouth hurts from fake-smiling, because Dottie didn’t have time for that noise. A celebrated poet, critic, satirist, short-story writer and screenwriter, she was fired from Vanity…