Finding Your Holiday Happy! The Beauty Edition
Hi everyone! In this week’s installment of “Finding Your Holiday Happy,” I’m sharing a few tips on how to keep your beauty regimen fast, effective, and affordable! I’ve been testing out some fun and varied products these last few months…

3 Ways in Finding Your Holiday Happy!
Hi, friends! The holiday are approaching so quickly and I can’t believe that this year is almost over! I was thinking of things I’d like to write about for WTD?!, and I realized I had enough ideas to make a…

#TBT to SS16 for NYFW Backstage Access ♡ The Raul Peñaranda Runway
My last day at NYFW included my very first day backstage at a runway! Through PR Girl, Inc, and my connections with the lovely and gracious Gina Doost, I was able to provide live Instagram coverage from backstage at the…

Bell Bottom Flare & Vintage Tanks to Inspire ║ My Street Style
I have a nice little collection of vintage band tees growing inside my closet now. I’ve been picking them up here and there, and trying to stick with bands that were heavy-hitters in my early taste developmental stages. I know…

What is Adulting, and How Can I Do it Better?!
At some point when I was a kid, I decided that 27 was the age that would see me successful, happy, and an adult. I projected that 27 would be the year that I would get married and probably buy…

V is for Victory ║ M is for Misery by Jill Firns
I tend to not get personal on my blog, because part of me likes to think I’m supposed to uphold some strange semblance of a division. A division between “the real” me and what goes onto the internet. No one…

Haters Gonna Hate ║ Who Said I Wanted to be Popular?
Do you ever start a new endeavor and face surprising challenges and unexpected adversity? Even if you prepare yourself for all the doubts from both yourself and your peers, you can almost never expect all that will come along with…

On Not Letting the Past Affect Your Present
Although the song is still everywhere from the movie Frozen, I still sometimes struggle with the concept of “Let It Go.” It’s hard to say what exactly I might harbor from the past, but the feelings are typically based in…

On Finally Having Something Everyone Wants
Unless you live under a rock and/or never access the internet, you have definitely heard all about Kylie Jenner’s lips lately. Are they natural? Did she have surgery? No matter how she came about her significant pout, it has been…

Rock Star Summer Stylin’ with Jill Firns
So, I’m curious. How many of you have ever put much thought into the different ways you dress throughout the week? Do you ever get stuck in the morning while deciding what to wear to work, for the reason that…

How A Hashtag Helped Me Love My Legs: #TheseThighsDontLie
If I were to gripe about how society pushes ideal looks on women daily, you’d roll your eyes and say, “Here we go again. I don’t need to be reminded!” But, it’s the truth, and I would be lying if…

Yoga Buzz: On the Communal Om ॐ
Today’s life can be overwhelmingly busy. We are often rushing from one place to the next, and juggling a half dozen responsibilities all at once. With technologies making leaps and bounds forward in accessibility and ease of use, we turn…

Mani Tuesday: Silly Snowflakes
Now that I’ve been able to start doing more fun and more easy nail art with the generous goodies that Kiss Nails sent to me, I’ve been feeling that it’s time to start doing themes! With the official start of…

Mani Tuesday with Essie and Kiss
So honest moment here: Last week I painted my nails three nights in a row. That’s a little excessive, even for me! I was trying to do some pretty nail art, but I just kept messing up. I finally landed…

Mani Sundays with Kiss Nails!
So y’all know I love doing my nails. I also like doing my friends’ nails too, although it can be a bit more challenging since it’s a different angle. Sometimes I think about how, if all else fails, I’ll go…

The Only Products I Trust to Grace My Face!
Hello, my lovelies! Let’s talk a little bit about the biggest organ you’re toting around with you every day. It’s your skin! It can be hard to take care of, especially on the sensitive region of your face. As people…

Chronicles of an Uncool-Cool Kid by Jill Firns
Just a few nights ago, I was exiting the restroom at one of my favorite bars. I had just divvied out a number of facial tissues from my purse in my stall, passing them under the wall to my left,…