Favorite Few Creative Forums
I have a few go to websites when I want to share my creative expressions with people. I know there’s tons but there are definitely a few that I adore. I adore them because they stand for creativity, discussion,…

Favorite Few Cures For Hangovers
I get drunk, you get drunk. I think it’s fair to say most people of legal drinking age, get drunk! The real concern is, what do you do when it’s the next day and your body hates you and your…

Favorite Few Beauty Tips with Deva Nitins
I love being beautiful and I know, I sometimes forget how to. That’s why I came up with this weeks beauty tips list (on a day I felt beautiful). These are my favorite ‘Few Beauty Tips’ 1. Take care…

How to Flirt: Tips and Tricks
One of my favorite pastimes is flirting. It’s like play time for adults. My approach to flirting has a lot to do with how I carry myself, specifically in my body. So I wanted to share with all of you,…

A Few Ways to Deal With Loss
Robin Williams’ death has brought on an onslaught of feelings about all the people I have lost in my life and how I have coped with the loss of all these people. Whether it be death, relationships ending, or…

Favorite Few Challenges
The internet hosts some really fun movements! One of my favorite phenomenoms to come out of the wild web are positive challenges, whether it be singing a song or helping another person. Challenging yourself and your community creates positive…

Favorite Few Ways to Look Great in a Photo
Let’s be vain here for a second, let’s talk about looking good in photos. I know we all end up in front of a camera sometimes. I personally think it’s a lot more fun when you look good when it…

Favorite Few Weightloss Hacks
My fitness freak continues. I am on the weight loss train and it is gaining steam. I have been finding out all the tricks to weight loss and general health. So far I’ve learned: Change your thinking, remember Rome wasn’t…

Favorite Few Ways to Get Fit
I recently neglected my physical health and in doing so limited my enjoyment of life. So I made the resolve to get back to my former “fit self.” This takes a lot of work for anyone. Usually when something takes…

Favorite Few Kids Books For Adults
It’s my birthday today! Yay, for escaping the birth canal! I have been in a retrospective state, considering the many things that shape a person and I realized that many of those things are books and the ideas they provide….

Favorite Few Ways to Revitalize Your Wardrobe on a Budget
How do you reconcile your wallet with your wishes. I know from first hand experience that it can be hard. That’s why I figured out a few ways to revitalize your old stock so it looks and feels like a…

Favorite Few Ways to Have the Best Summer
<3 It’s summer time. The sun is starting to shine and now it’s time to make this the BEST SUMMER EVER! Hold up. That’s way to much pressure. You can’t make anything do anything. From my experience the more you…

Favorite Few First Date Ideas
Dating, it’s a scene. As a woman on the mingle I have to ask myself, how do I get to know the person I’m with while having a good time. So many people (including myself) have an ideal of who…

Favorite Few Ways to Procrastinate
I know we all do it, we procrastinate. It’s holding off on doing our taxes till last minute, it’s finishing a paper the night before it’s due, it’s buying a present on the way to the party, and it’s never…

Favorite Few Ways To Make Someone Feel Special
Hey Doosters! This week my mother came in to visit from out of town and it got me thinking. How can you make someone feel special and I came up with a few (or four ways)! • You can write…

Favorite Few Ways to Feel Sexy
Deva Does What the Doost here! This week I’d like to discuss my favorite few ways to feel sexy. I know everybody wants to feel sexy sometimes and it all comes down to confidence. Love your body, take care in…

Favorite Few Ways to Have Free Fun with Friends
Hello to all! I don’t know about you but sometimes when the cash is strapped it’s hard to think of something fun to do. So I made a list of my favorite activities that are free! Start off by having an…

Favorite Few Ways to Turn a Day Around by Deva
Not every day is what you expect it to be. Life throws curve balls and you have to keep on doing what needs to be done. This week I want to share with all of you, my favorite few ways…