Halloween Tips ▼ A Time To Play
We all like to say Halloween is for the kids but if we’re being honest it’s really for us. It’s the one time of the year we get to “play” again. I suppose we could all dress up like Snow…

I Watched My Hometown Burn to the Ground From 500 Miles Away and There Was Nothing I Could Do
Northern California: It all started Saturday afternoon. A fire started and it rapidly spread to 40,000 acres by Sunday morning. What was a bunch of peaceful hamlets were now burned or burning and the rest were a place for evacuees. By…

What I learned Spending a Night with Sorted Food
I got an email from my editor, Gina Doost, asking if I wanted to join Sorted food along with other food bloggers? My answer was clearly going to be “yes!” What an amazing opportunity to cook with some incredible chefs at…

Application For Your Creations: The Best Free instagram Apps!
I love my instagram. I often call it instacrack. It’s sparked in me a creativity I had ignored. Not only do I love being in front of the camera, I love being behind it also. Taking pictures and making films…

Spare Yourself $100 from Your Taxes
If you find yourself with a spare $100 (which one should find themselves with every so often) invest it in one of these unique, interesting, and possibly sexy ways. Get a genetics history report. You can find out all about…

How to be a Carless Warrior in Los Angeles
Living without a car can be a cinch in places like NYC or San Francisco where there is an integrated transit system but for the urban sprawl of Los Angeles and other cities where transit is limited it can be…

Eating Vegetarian in Vancouver
It’s no secret that I love good food and a mecca of good food is Vancouver, Canada. Nestled in the mountains and touched by the sea, Vancouver is one of the most beautiful places in North America. It’s especially best…

You’re Getting Married! Here are a Few Ways to Face the In-Laws
You and your partner have taken it to the next level in your relationship. It’s time to meet the dreaded in-laws. This can turn out to be a fruitful and fun experience or a complete disaster or some limbo in…

Kickstart Yourself: Finding Ways to Self-Motivate
Much like a car, we sometimes need a kickstart. Whether you want to take your career to the next level, improve the quality of your life, or achieve whatever goal it is that you set for yourself getting started can…

Holiday Greetings & Crafts: How To Make It Memorable
It’s the season of celebration. It’s also a great time to refresh your connection with your family, friends, and colleagues. Whether you want Aunt Ruth to know you love her or your high school friend to know you still think…

Eat A Lot and Stay Healthy this Thanksgiving!
This is the season of Pumpkin spice lattes, pies, and big Thanksgiving feats!! Which means my dress size is in danger of moving up a size. To preemptively combat this hanus crime against my closet, I’ve decided to challenge myself. You…

I’ve been having a crazy crazy month. My saving grace has been rest and proper skin care routines! I love all things natural, the less toxins the better, and SpaDet provides that. It’s been such a pleasure trying out their…

Holiday Health and Beauty: Tips and Tricks
It’s that wondrous time of year where families gather and people bundle inside to hide from the oncoming cold. The Starks got one thing right, winter is coming. Our winters may not bring white walkers (ok enough GOT references) but they…

Tips and Tricks: Surviving Traffic Hell
From the beginning of time, no I’m kidding, from the beginning of transportation use traffic has always existed. And until we get the hover cars, here are a few of my favorite ways to get through the congestion. #winning! Favorite…

Make Your Early Mornings AWESOME!
Hey Doosters! We all have to do it sometimes, wake up at the crack of dawn or even before then! I have of late, been waking up between 3:30 and 6am. This means I’ve had to figure out how to…

Exfoliate Your Stress Away with Spadet!
These last two weeks I have been crazy busy. I got a new job, got sick, and booked three acting gigs. Needless to say I have been up to my neck in business. That’s why I’m really happy…

Make it a Spa-Day Everyday with SPAdet!
This week I’ve had the absolute pleasure of reviewing some of SPAdet’s line. SPAdet (spa-day) is a line of 100% natural beauty products for your home, so you can have a “SPAdet” everyday! I am a firm believer in using…

Favorite Few Ways to Gain Allies
Favorite Few Ways of Gaining Allies Navigating the world is easier if you have an army of people on your side. So how do you obtain these allies. These are my favorite few ways to get people rooting for team…