A Simple Solution for Dry Skin this Winter
The wintertime means cozy scarves, warm sweaters, and hot chocolate to combat that crisp chill in the air that can also dry our skin.
One of the toughest things I endure during the winter in New York is the effect it has on my skin. Some days I wake up, after braving the snow and wind, with dry skin or a red patch on my face or body – wondering ‘what I’m missing?’ Finally, I realized that what I was missing was protecting my skin so I wouldn’t dry out in the first place.
When I feel good in my skin, everything else just flows with more ease – I feel more confident without needing make-up to get me there. I believe that the best thing you can wear is glowing healthy skin and Lubriderm is helping me. The Advanced Therapy Lotion moisturizes my skin all day, so I use it each day after I shower and reapply to my hands throughout the day as needed. It even soothed the red spots that I was suffering through.
I’m a big believer in that if you focus on good skincare, you really won’t need a lot of make-up.
Demi Moore

My hands are important to me, I use them to create. So keeping them extra supple goes a long way. I remember growing up with Lubriderm in my household and I think the simplicity of the product and the result just made it a brand my family trusted. I’m so glad that I brought Lubriderm back into my routine.
The trick is to age honestly and gracefully and make it look great, so that everyone looks forward to it.
Emma Thompson
I’m not the type of person to commit to a skin care routine that requires a lot of steps. I prefer simplicity and efficiency, and I’m not very patient. So I found that a simple solution to avoid dry and dull skin all winter long is doable and easier to find
Be good to your skin. You’ll wear it every day for the rest of your life.
Renée Rouleau

I’ve been incorporating Lubriderm into the core of my daily routine and my skin has been improving, even just after one week. Which is no surprise to learn that this rich, creamy lotion is clinically shown to provide relief for extra dry skin, making it healthier-look and more resilient in just one week.
Healthy skin is a reflection of overall wellness.
Dr. Howard Murad
Self-care is a divine responsibility and it can start at any age. To save the entire family from the woes of dry winter skin apply Lubriderm, a one-size-fits-all defense.
This post was written in partnership with Lubriderm. Opinions are my own.