Family Planning with the Help of Headspace
The world feels a little bit crazy these days and we should all look within when looking for peace. Compassion is contagious and meditation is one way for us to start a chain reaction! I spent the afternoon laughing and growing with the brilliant founders of Headspace and I learned a thing or two ↠ like how research shows that people who meditate are more aware and compassionate. Think of how effective this is when starting young. Schools in LA are already implementing programs like Headspace with great results 💡
I’m trying to start early as I plan to expand my family soon, and meditation is part of my plan. My husband and I want to get as healthy as possible in mind and body for when we do start trying. We feel that in order to produce healthy kids, we ourselves need to be in a healthy place — that means mind, body, and soul. The right mindset is a key factor to this and when living a busy lifestyle like mine, I’m glad I have an app that can get me there in just minutes – each and every day.
Headspace is meditation made simple. Brilliant things happen in calm minds.
It’s an app that teaches you how to meditate. It’s kind of genius.
Recently, I attended a luncheon with the founder and creators of Headspace hosted by Momtrends. There, I learned vital information about the benefits of meditation including a few studies Headspace conducted that as a result, showed that people who use the app are more aware and compassionate.
Guided meditation is a powerful way to get started with a meditation ritual. Finding a comfortable spot to sit for a few minutes and starting the app is all you have to do to get the ride started. Sit back and listen to the calming voice of Headspace co-founder, Andy Puddicombe, who used to be a monk. At first, our minds can wander so easily, that hearing a calming voice is very helpful to maintain focus on what is important.
As I began to use the app more and more, it can be a bit addictive in a way, I started telling my friends about this great app that I discovered, and I was surprised to hear that so many of them had already started to use Headspace. Some already have kids, and others, like myself, are on their way to starting their family from a healthy place. For those of you that have tried the free version and want to take the next step, I have a little gift for you below.
Growing up doesn’t come with a manual and there is no ‘unsubscribe’ button for adulthood. But you’d be surprised as to how wise your mind is, once you give it space. For those of you who would like to take your practice to the next level, I’m happy to be able to offer you a code to get the premium version for a solid Doost Discount: 40% off one year of Headspace!
Instructions to upload the code: Either click on the link above, or register and enter the promo code, WhatTheDoost, here: https://www.headspace.com/code. Once you log into the app on your phone, it will automatically connect to the subscription you just activated.
Why the code is useful:
- It’s free to download but only the basic pack session is free. A subscription gives you access to the full Headspace Library, which has hundreds of meditations, mindfulness exercises and animations to help you build the practice.
- Over 30 packs of themed meditations on specific topics like stress and sleep
- Dozens of one-off exercises designed to add more mindfulness to your day
- Super-short mini meditations you can do anytime. Great for busy schedules
- Sleep Sounds that help ease the mind into a truly restful night’s sleep
- Animations that guide you through essential meditation techniques and bring to life traditional stories like the Very Impatient Yogi
- Continued guidance from former monk, and Headspace co-founder, Andy Puddicombe