Love is the Answer to Achieving the Global Goals · UNGA 2017
I’m overjoyed with the kind of commitment I’ve seen this week during the 72nd UN General Assembly. Along with world leaders, politicians, celebrities, and change-makers — a lot more people are using their platforms to raise awareness by speaking up! Influential…

Nordic Solutions to Global Challenges · How to Improve Gender Equality #UNGA 2017
Equality is our most valuable investment! And improving gender equality starts at home. During the week of UNGA 2017, I was invited back to the United Nations Headquarters and with this access, I want to share the things I learned. Starting…

Who Let the Dogs Out (on the runway) · Anthony Rubio presents Canine Couture for NYFW
Thanks to Anthony Rubio even the dogs came out to play and all for a great cause! Featuring Canine Couture, designer Rubio presented a collection of furry friends — “Where The Humans Are The Accessories” 🐶 The Cause ↓ Every season Anthony…

When all colors matter • the diversity during NYFW SS18
There’s a powerful message happening this Fashion Week and it goes beyond just women empowerment → it’s cultural, knowledgeable, and goes international! This NYFW season, I wanted to target designers with a heart and passion for the world — whether…

5 Ways Being a Flont Member Has Taken My Style to the Next Level
I wanted to share with you a glimpse of a day in the life and how Flont helps me take it to the next level → doost and videographer Kenya Thomas joined me while I went to a showroom in SoHo,…