Join Me & the United Nations in Making A Difference On World Humanitarian Day · #NotATarget
Anyone who flees their home because of conflict has the right to live in safety + dignity. #NotATarget
Every day, millions of people are trapped in wars that aren’t of their own making. Meanwhile, the world isn’t doing enough to stop their suffering. This World Humanitarian Day, we demand world leaders do everything in their power to protect the millions of civilians caught in armed conflict.
Children belong in school, not in a soldier’s uniform. They are #NotATarget. Let the 🌎 know where you stand: https://t.co/agF7ZANTU8 pic.twitter.com/lRE6Yd8Lyz
— United Nations (@UN) August 16, 2017
On World Humanitarian Day, Saturday, August 19, 2017, the United Nations is launching their #NotATarget campaign that advocates for the protection of children, victims of sexual violence in conflict areas, civilians in urban crises, forcibly displaced peoples, medical workers, and humanitarian workers.
I’m getting in on this amazing cause, and you can too! Here’s how:
Before August 19, share the #NotATarget video on Facebook → Like I did here.
On August 19, augment the #NotATarget campaign by creating a public Facebook Live video using the World Humanitarian Day Augmented Reality Filter
Sign the petition on WorldHumanitarianDay.org
Your participation is a powerful reminder to world leaders that civilians in conflict need respect and protection.