The Power of Unity in Color · The Brooklyn Edition
Last month, I participated in a beautiful movement with two of my favorite ladies → Negine Jasmine and Kenya Thomas for Unity in Color. Together we met a great number of likeminded creatives with the same vision for a better, more united world.
I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.
― Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider
Together, we stand in solidarity to show our support for Women’s Rights. We acknowledge our past as we move towards a collective future inclusive of women of color, transgender women & men, women with disabilities & women from all ages, religious faiths and backgrounds. We wear yellow and gold as a nod to the colors of the early American feminist movements, while expressing our hope and desires for a more intersectional and inclusive movement today. Different cities worldwide have joined the Unity in Color movement and we’re proud to share the Brooklyn edition.

Dreams and reality are opposites. Action synthesizes them.
― Assata Shakur, Assata: An Autobiography
Photos by @julie.jamora.photos @elteodoro
Special thanks to @TheSkinnyNYC for hosting our meeting reception.
Consider this a human rights artistic project. A visual statement that shows what it looks like to be different, yet think the same. Especially in a time like now, we wanted to bring people together to show our solidarity for Women’s Rights. We are pro-women. And we stand together to support in whatever way we can.

See more at UnityInColor.org • Inception by Jasmine Solano