Words of Encouragement You Really Need to Hear Right Now #ImWithHer
We’ll stay strong. We’ll be okay.
Let’s stay united as we are stronger together.
Thank you Hillary ≫ you taught us to continuously fight for a cause we believe in & awakened us in so many ways…. Tonight I grieve for my people — for minorities, women, immigrants, muslims & the LGBTQ community B U T tomorrow I’m waking up ready to fight. To make a positive global impact because we are better than this.
It started off as a joke right? The whole Trump situation … I couldn’t believe what I was hearing on ABC and CNN. I couldn’t believe what I was reading on Facebook and Twitter. But once the votes were in and the electoral reached 268 for Trump, I knew it was over.
I was on the phone with my dad when I found out and like many Muslims living in America, I was scared. I was in fear of stepping out into the world tomorrow because I wasn’t sure of how I would be treated. Would I be bashed with hate? It really worried me … but my dad reminded me, once again, of the kindness and unity that still exists. He reminded me to be brave for my younger siblings and cousins. He also made a great point → I live in New York. Not one of those states that have backed Trump on his racist remarks.
So now I find myself — once again — facing this …
And I remind myself of what Nelson Mandela stood for.
It always seems impossible until its done.
Don’t worry Hillary, Nelson Mandela wasn’t elected president until after he had served 27 years in prison.
#USElection2016 #ElectionNight
— Mr Overlooked (@Mr_Overlooked) November 9, 2016
It’s important to know this → Hillary Clinton is the first woman to ever come this close to being the President of our United States.