These 10 Benefits of Grapeseed Oil Freakin’ Surprised Me
When it comes to oils, the options are almost endless. And choosing the right, and healthier option, can be confusing.
As the discussions raise, so does our investigation. This article will list some of the best benefits of grapeseed oil — which may surprise you, because they sure surprised me!
The use of grapeseed oil has been controversial for some time now. In essence, grapeseed oil is extracted from the grape seeds, typically the wine grapes. As grape seeds are often discarded as part of the process of making wine, the extraction of grapeseed oil could be profitable. Because each seed just yields a small amount of oil, this type of oil is often extracted chemically. In fact, grapeseed oil has some positive nutrients and attributes, but it also lacks in vitamin C, K, copper and potassium in compare with consuming actual grapes. However, there are still some attractive features of grapeseed oil.
➀ It Cleanses Dark Circles
Aside from commonly known benefits, daily use of grapeseed oil around your eyes is a good way to get rid of unsightly dark circles. Thus, using it is highly effective in decreasing the appearance of dark circles in a few weeks. This method is safe for the use in both young and old people.
➁ It Is Good For Moisturizing And Conditioning
Grapeseed oil is perfect for moisturizing and conditioning dull, dry hair as it is lighter than coconut oil or olive oil and will not leave your hair getting greasy. Also, it’s odorless, so it will not leave your hair a lingering scent.
The breakdown: Grapeseed oil contains a significant amount of linoleic acid, which is a type of omega-6 fatty acid. If applied to the dry skin, this fatty acid will help combat the dryness by supplying natural protection against moisture loss. This might be good for dry scalp as well. The grapeseed oil can help to lock in moisture and prevent split ends as well as brittle hair. Regular use of grapeseed oil as a supplement to your daily hair-care products will help you get healthier, stronger and more attractive hair. You can make use of grapeseed oil by coating your hair in this oil and leave it there for 10 minutes or so before rinsing it off with cold water.
➂ It Reduces Hair Loss
Among the benefits of grapeseed oil, reducing hair loss is highly appreciated. The breakdown: The grapeseed oil extracted from cold-pressed seeds of grapes consists of antioxidants helping to block the production of DHT, a special hormone causing hair loss.
Grapeseed oil could be used as a carrier for the essential oils which can promote relaxation of hair follicles, thereby preventing the condition of hair loss caused by cortisol, a stress-related hormone. You can mix several teaspoons of grapeseed oils with one or two drops of jojoba oil and then rub it onto your scalp to handle hair loss effectively.
➃ It Treats Acne
One of the most famous benefits of grapeseed oil for the skin is treating oily and acne skin. As mentioned above, this oil is good for moisturizing and does not leave a film or residue that results in the production of oil and thereby acne. There are some compounds in this oil that have anti-inflammatory properties, helping to nourish and sooth the skin, particularly the skin with active acne.
Being mildly astringent, grapeseed oil is a natural way to treat acne and also a daily method to control oil skin.
➄ It Prevents Aging
Having some certain substances, such as linoleic acid, grapeseed oil can tone and firm the skin appearance, thereby giving it quality and a more youthful tone. If you apply grapeseed oil on your facial skin daily, you can keep your skin hydrated and more tone. As a result, it will help lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.
➅ It Heals Wounds
According to a study published in the journal Free Radical Biology & Medicine, grapeseed extract could help heal dermal wounds. The breakdown: A topical application of this oil represents a productive and feasible approach to support the healing process of dermal wounds.
➆ It Improves Bone Strength
If you want to improve the strength of your bone, then you should include grapeseed oil in your daily diet because it has a high amount of calcium. It will provide you with a beneficial effect on the formation and strength of bone, so it is good for the treatment of bone debility which is caused by a lack of calcium.
➇ It Prevents Skin Cancer
Grape seeds consist of proanthocyanidins that can prevent cancer cell development. It is found that grape seeds possess the properties which can decrease the severity of skin cancer.
➈ It Is Good For Cardiovascular Health
Thanks to the antioxidants in grape seed oils, using it could potentially protect your blood vessels from being damaged, thereby preventing high blood pressure. The breakdown: The proanthocyanidin extract in the extracts of grape seeds supplies superior antioxidant efficacy in compared with vitamin C, vitamin E and β-carotene.
➉ It Prevents Cognitive Decline
Grapeseed extract is particularly high in proanthocyanidins (the oligomers of monomeric polyphenols) that might prevent the decline of cognition. A study claimed that this substance in grapeseed oil has a crucial role in acting as a neuroprotectant in the human hippocampus and preventing the cognitive loss associated with aging.
Author bio: Vanessa Tan is a Vietnamese-American author and MA in English literature. She is a health article writer who has written many articles/online journals on home remedies and natural health. She strong believes that majority of diseases can be cured with natural home remedies. Check her out at WikiYeah.com and Pinterest.