Fashion Trendsetter Carly Steel’s top 5 Tips for Manhattan Style
#TurtleTime with @tylerperry @StephenAmell #willarnett #teenagemutantninjaturtles @TMNTMovie @etnow pic.twitter.com/Ee9Qznf9IU
— Carly Steel (@carlyjsteel) May 21, 2016
Leather jacket or trench coat are my staples in NYC. I do more accessories here because there is more thought put into it. In LA I wear almost no accessories.
When it comes to LA vs. NYC styles, Carly expresses that she tends to be more daring with her wardrobe in Manhattan. There are so many different influences that allow her to be more edgy with her selections. She prefers to do more of a masculine look in NYC rather than LA where “I’m more feminine.”
With a strong background in fashion, starting her career at Vogue in NYC 8 years ago, Carly Steel is a trendsetter to follow. She stresses the importance of separates, staying comfortable, and being practical with the seasonal changes. Here are 5 factors that help Carly get into her Manhattan style zone:
I always do more comfortable shoes — lower heels or flats. I try to do dressier ballet flats like my Jimmy Choo’s.
… [I] wear things I can dress up or down with accessories.
Balmain shoes, leather Wilfred jacket, and my thick tights.
It slightly winterizes your wardrobe.
5. Hairstyles — Carly loves doing more updo’s in the city, incorporating braided pieces into her look.Carly notes the irony in NYC day to night attire, which from her experience working at Vogue:
… the funny thing was you do dressy with a touch of casual during the day — like a ballroom gown with a casual blazer — then dress it down when you go out at night channeling that carefree attitude.