It’s true when they say that things are bigger in Texas. From my experience, visiting my uncle and his awesome family, so is the food and its authenticity — maybe that’s the southern country vibe but I do love how things are handled in Texas. This year, our friends at TechStyle NYC took their game to SXSW.
So while I make my solid plans to be there next year for SXSW here are some of the highlights from TechStyle NYC in Austin, Texas setting up camp at the
Amala Foundation, rebranding it as the
Bar Works Pop-Up.

Janine Just
This space is …
a new community of co-working spaces currently based in NYC and branching out to other cities. It was the perfect spot to create the ultimate retreat for high end influencers, media, and digital technorati to find a bit of zen among the craziness in downtown, Austin.
— Janine Just
One of the things I love most about Janine & TechStyle NYC is their aim to connecting us to the right brands and people. Products that are sustainable, innovative, and benefit our lives. While at the same time, they also aim to educate to help YOU become the best version of yourself for your business and more. They had a educational panel discussing “How Socially Conscious Brands Build Customer Appeal and Profits” with AlleyWatch CEO and Founder, Reza Chowdhury moderated the panelists that included Jonna Piira, Co-Founder of Kali, Marisa de Belloy, Chief Operating Officer of Cool Effect, Kat Kinkead, Community Manager of Shapeways and Tahiyira Cordner, Head of Operations for Bar Works NYC. Powerhouse!
They have fun & really stress the importance of:
Gaining the trust of your customers and or members is a core principal with thinking beyond the businesses and supply chains to how you can actually be adding value or creating some form of shared value, rather thinking just can I reduce the cardboard packaging which is very logical.
— Janine Just
TechStyle NYC concluded with showcasing a special line of brands they picked for the ultimate SXSW experience. I got my eyes on these below — but you can see the
full list here♡

Cool Effect
Cool Effect was founded on the passionate belief that individual support of projects will create a cumulative effect that will reduce and prevent carbon pollution.
Cool Effect enables individuals to have a direct and personal impact by connecting them with the highest-quality carbon reducing projects around the globe. Or as we like to say, carbon done correctly.
— Marisa de Belloy, COO of Cool Effect
![300x30031[5] (1)]()
ic! berlin — this cool German company that makes these rad glasses using 3D printing. They cover both prescription and sunglasses — and the best part is they are bendable!
Here with the CEO Ralph Anderl himself — he’s rocking the shades while I’m wearing these reading glasses … they look ready for my prescription lenses don’t you think?!ツ
Another great and delicious brand at the event is
Michter’s — a real gem for you whiskey lovers — like me!
And a moment to get real with you ladies —
Kali — this brand is AMAZING and a great way to handle your tampon needs with their subscription.

They have teamed up with
GirlUp where a portion of sales from each subscription will benefit, “uniting girls to change the world.” You should see what they did at the White House with first-lady Michelle Obama for International Women’s Day ♡

With your subscription, you receive one of these via mail with all your needs … for that week.
Kali was able to educate us on the importance of using 100% certified organic tampons and at $25 for a monthly subscription box that include Kali wipes and Rosewater facial toner, we couldn’t think of a better way to ensure the safety of our womanly health.
— Janine Just
TechStyle NYC is one to follow!
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