Meet the Stunning Aliah Banchik & See Her Top Tips for Make-Up in this Video Tutorial
Recently I had the pleasure of meeting 10 strong hearted and passionate young entrepreneurs ♡ aspiring fashion entrepreneurs with the heart and courage to make a positive mark on this world. I was asked to speak to the advanced class during a session at Fashion Camp NYC. Through that I met a wonderful young entrepreneur, Aliah Banchik.
Aliah has mastered her video skills and still only getting better ♡ Follow her journey along her YouTube channel here for make-up tips and more! Also, keep a look out for more of her content on WtD ’cause let’s face it — we all need a little help when it comes to our make-up application skills ♡ Just seeing Aliah’s skills on this video helps me realize I have lots to learn! Make-up is a form of art and the most slightest changes can make ALL the difference!
Here is Aliah Banchik‘s first make-up tutorial! Let’s welcome our newest DOOST ║ Songs by: DJ Snake, Disclosure, Flume