You’re Invited! #Paradise Travel Panel
As many of you may already know, I’ve been selected to speak as a panelist for an event this Friday during Social Media Week. The event is sponsored/curated by Wherever Magazine and Travel + Social Good. The discussion will be focused on social media’s impact on the travel industry, with an emphasis on curating brands responsibly and traveling with a purpose.
The event is free and will be at Mister H at the Mondrian Soho. It starts at 7:30 pm with drink specials (I believe it’s open bar) and my panel is at 8:30. There’s also an after party starting at 9:30 and they’ve got a DJ coming in at 11 pm.
I’m SUPER excited and would love if you could make it if you’re in NYC! If you want to go, PLEASE make sure you’ve received an email confirmation from EventBrite — I do know the capacity is small and they’ve received a lot of interest.
If you haven’t already, please RSVP here.
Kelley Louise is a travel + lifestyle blogger and model.
You can read more of her thoughts on the culture collective.
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