Favorite Few Cures For Hangovers
I get drunk, you get drunk. I think it’s fair to say most people of legal drinking age, get drunk! The real concern is, what do you do when it’s the next day and your body hates you and your head wants to quit and is staging a protest!
So here’s my favorite few cures for a hangover!
1. WATER. H20. AGUA. Whatever name you give that most excellent nectar of the gods, drink lots of it. Your body needs help getting rid of the poison that you have just dumped in excess into your unsuspecting body.
2. Electrolytes and Potassium. Your body gets depleted when you drink and it needs back it’s healthful energy. To help it on it’s back to wellness eat a banana, drink a gatorade or better yet enjoy some coconut water (which has both potassium and electrolytes). Nothing like a big brown ball from a very tall tree to put you back in order!
3. Eat some light healthy food. Enjoy some soothing soup with a nice side of toast. Your body needs help absorbing all the toxins you’ve got and you want to make it easier on it by enjoying light foods that support the body rather than take away much needed processing resources. Enjoy those healthy eats!
Get well soon, and remember all things in moderation!
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