Favorite Few Ways to Procrastinate
I know we all do it, we procrastinate. It’s holding off on doing our taxes till last minute, it’s finishing a paper the night before it’s due, it’s buying a present on the way to the party, and it’s never practical.
I don’t think the internet has helped with humanity’s affliction of procrastination. There are so many things to read, watch, and listen to. It is a cornocopia of distractions.
So I’ve made a video to distract you with! These are my favorite few ways to procrastinate:
-Watch Youtube videos. A simple and by far my most common form of procrastination.
-Learn new words or the meaning of words I’m unsure about. i.e. what is the word “word” in Hungarian? It’s szó!
-Read articles that enrich your knowledge of the world and your community. Because having a broader understanding of the world, though it may not help your duties, will help your life.
Happy procrastinating!