hey doosts, A here! so as always, i’ve been spending countless hours contemplating about what to share with all you betches next (and if you’ve been following my insta like you’re suppose to be!)…you would all know that I’m constantly making new recipes before i can write about them) and then it literally hit me in text form the other day. i received one of the coolest messages ever from a good friend of mine…her sister had made my beet-gers and sent her this picture…
awesome right!? it’s a pretty close comparison to mine looking at them side by side (minus the beer…that totes just pushed her beet-ger into 1st).
but anywaysss, now you’re probably all thinking…”ok, you already gave us this recipe so what does this have to do with the new post?”, right?…wrong! so for all of you who ACTUALLY read my beet-gers post (first of all, thanks…you guys are amazeballs!) you’ll recognize the dish i’m about to tell you about. i’m calling this one “tabboul-ehh?”. why you might ask? well because it’s my twist on a classic tabbouleh. THIS tabbouleh also happens to have been the side dish to my beet-gers post and my new summer time obsession! this was one of those “happy accidents” everyone talks about, but you seldom experience yourself (i know y’all know what i’m talking about). it all started as a marinade for some grilled tofu. best part about it though, is that tofu, unlike meat or fish, can totes marinade in the same liquid as (in this case) the tomatoes that are going to form the side dish for the meal. literally 1 bowl and 5 (questionably 6) ingredients later, and you have a multi-funcional marinade that will become the base to all your summer time creations! with that said, i present to you doosts the best multi-funactional marinade ever…and some awesome #foodporn that i created with it…obvss including my mistake-proof tabboul-ehh? recipe.
multi-functional marinade
olive oil (enough to coat food)
1 clove chopped garlic
pinch of thyme
s/p to taste
splash of white vinegar (this is totally optional, but i noticed that the vinegar helped to cut the fatty quality of the oil slightly, making the tofu less greasy. for the tabboul-eh?, i left it out as tomates have plenty of natural acid)
ready for this recipe?…
see above + several leaves of julienned basil + cous cous.
now go and enjoy yourself some #foodporn…
grilled tofu and tomato salsa: place sliced tofu in the multi-funtional marinade and grill. place tomatoes in the SAME marinade…not same type, literally the same bowl…and voila!
grilled shrimp with a side of tabboul-ehh?: AFTER the tomatoes marinade, mix them into the cous cous and place the cleaned shrimp in the marinade (as to not cross contaminate raw fish and veggies). add the juice and zest from one lemon to the shrimpies and grill ’em up!
** this is a twist on the recipe above, so i added the basil to the tomatoes after they marinated so that my shrimpies wouldn’t inherit that flavaaa.
the “all-italian”: same marinade as before. start with the tofu and then sauté it with a splash of balsamic. while on the stove, add the tomatoes and basil to the marinade. mix together and serve OVER cous cous rather than mixing it all together.
and with that said doosts, this marinade literally requires zero skills, just your imaginations, so go on with your bad selves and show me what you come up with!
read more at life of a FOODorexic here!!
Looked very tasty.
SO tasty and versatile! Keep following for more recipes like the ones you just read about.