My Emotional Tour of the 9/11 Memorial Museum
It was an honor to be invited to the first tour on the opening day of the 9/11 Memorial Museum.
It’s hard to describe the emotions running through me as I walk through the halls and connect with so many lost artifacts that now stand so strong amongst the grounds they were once destroyed on. I connected most with the displays of our heroes and victims of that tragic day. In a place of so much sorrow, a positive energy illuminates, if we allow it to.
No day shall erase you from the memory of time. –Virgil
Thank you Condè Nast for presenting us with this opportunity & to the brilliant Rain Dove Dubilewski for making my experience so memorable, emotionally open, and exciting!
Whoa- you go to ONE place and before you know it you’re on the national news. Kinda neat…kinda weird. When we came out of the building it started with one elderly journalist who we talked to because we felt bad saying no. Before you know it, reporters flocked to us like pigeons on bread crumbs and we were swarmed. Miss Gina Doost was quoted on a bazillion sites. That’s what happens. Sometimes. I guess.
These faces represented people just as loved, important, and real as myself. Now stamped forever in time as a documented memory at the World Trade Center memorial, I hope this becomes a place of education rather than anger.