Favorite Few Ways to Have Free Fun with Friends
Hello to all! I don’t know about you but sometimes when the cash is strapped it’s hard to think of something fun to do. So I made a list of my favorite activities that are free! Start off by having an evening in with diy facemasks and a film that you can snuggle up to! Then get creative. It has to be one of the most bonding and enlightening experiences to write a song or a poem or even make a vine video with a friend. But the crown jewel of all fun free activities that you and your friends can do, is party crashing. This delicate art takes guts,challenges your insecurities, and brings back play into your adult life. It’s a great reminder that you can’t take everything seriously and it’s ok to let loose. And hey you never know, free booze, wine, and food can be scored on this kind of venture. Check out some fun tips on how to have a good time for free. (much like the subject matter it’s free too!)