FOODorexia: exposed…again by A
hey blogosphere, A here! so for any of you who don’t know…which is probably all of you…i had a very short, passionate love affair with the blog world about a year ago. typical of most all nyc relationships, it abruptly and painfully ended leaving me totally heartbroken and yearning for more (insert matt mc emoji here).
side note: when i refer to matt mc emojis which, well, will pretty much be all the time since it’s kind of my thaaang right now and obvi i’m not going to post the corresponding emoji on this impeccable blog, i am referring to the scene in “dallas buyers club” where matthew mcconaughey is driving back across the border and has a LEGIT mental breakdown…like seriously it was intense. apple, being the forerunner that they are, has an emoji that looks identical to matt mc’s facial expression in that scene, so therein lies the phrase. but anyway, if you don’t understand the reference, GOOD…it’s shameful that you still haven’t seen that movie and you need to go change that immediately before we can be friends!
anywayyy…rant over…i continued cooking and photo-whoring out all of my #foodporn on insta, so i decided it was time to get back on that couch and start typing away again. with that said, i thought the best way to start this new relationship off was with my year-old explanation of my whole M.O. so blogosphere, welcome to my life…
i have come to the recent realization that i…am a foodorexic!…shocking i know, right? now for those of you unfamiliar with this term, a foodorexic by definition (or by urban dictionary’s standards…which let’s be honest, aren’t very high) is someone who is completely addicted to food. now, although it definitely implies the obsession with unhealthy food, i beg to differ. i actually think that most people are foodorexic, unless of course you’re not interested in food at all…in which case you should probably see someone about that…just saying.
with all of that now out in the open, this new discovery has prompted my desire to blog re-blog about my foodorexia and everything that revolves around it. cooking, to me, is a creative outlook; it is a form of self expression and exploration. and if cooking isn’t really your thing, how many of you can say you’ve fully enjoyed a meal out?…I’m talking about a full fledged, gourmet meal (Mickey D-ers, need not apply). now maybe i’m biased because, #letsbehonest, new york is notorious for its restaurants. but even if you’re slumming through life in suburban america (all joking aside though…i’ve lived it…we all know the city is the best) I am sure you’ve come home after a wonderful dinner out with friends and $200 less in your pocket already salivating over thoughts of tomorrow’s bottomless mimosa brunch. So, if you still haven’t gotten it yet, “life of a FOODorexic” is all about sharing my homemade recipes, nyc food porn experiences, and all the gossip that happens in between.