New Favorite: Recessionista Friendly Make-Up Remover
There are some beauty essentials that every girl needs, and make-up remover is definitely one of them. I bet most of you ladies are nodding along when I take a wild guess and say you use this product:
I love love love this make-up remover, but seriously, let’s be real here. IT COSTS WAY TOO MUCH. A quick Google search just told me I could get a pack for $4.49 from Amazon, but really, who has the time or planning skills required to order make-up online? I definitely always remember I need it when I have about half of a towelette left (oops). In that case, it means that realistically I’m going to go to CVS or Walgreens and pay…let’s hear it…$7.99 or more. What gives!?
I’m sure you’re with me knowing that alternative, less expensive products exist, but I’ve always been afraid that they won’t work and I’ll just be throwing away my money.
Well this week, in the name of beauty, budget and a Recessionista lifestyle, I took the plunge and I BOUGHT A DIFFERENT PRODUCT. Guess what? **drum roll please** I love it just as much and it only costs $3. Amen.
Elf makes these cleansing cloths that are extremely similar to the ones by Neutrogena, but they’re 33 percent less than the online cost and 62 percent less than the in-store cost of the Neutrogena ones. Um, yes, I will keep my $5, thank you very much. Tip for all my New Yorkers: You can buy ‘em on Soap.com.
Here’s the deal: I was skeptical at first. Like I said, I love my Neutrogena cleansing cloths. The elf version is a little different… First off, the smell takes a second to adjust to. It’s not good or bad; just different (and hey, that can take a second for a girl to get used to). The elf towelettes feel a little different one your skin as well, but hey: they definitely work, and that’s what counts. I even tested them against my waterproof Maybelline Colossal mascara (you know, that stuff in the yellow tube that every girl uses) and, voila, bye bye make-up. One of my favorite parts is the plastic-seal cover, which means no more wasting the end of your towelettes because they dried out.
Let’s just say, I love you, Neutrogena, but it’s just not working out. There’s a new favorite make-up remover in my life.