Designer Styling at Mahna Mahna in SoHo
Are you ready for NYC Fashion Week?! With mahna mahna in SoHo I can finally make room in my closet because when it comes to the must look good moments I know where to turn to. Today I went wild…

Pre-Fashion Week: Valentino, Chanel, and McQueen…oh my!
Welcome to mahna mahna, A studio service, fashion, and accessories focused showroom that specializes in everything from current collections to rare and vintage period pieces. Today, the fabulous team invited The Doost over for an intimate style tour in their…

Astoria’s The Shady Lady
So you’re in Astoria, Queens and you want to impress your date or have a fun night with your girls enjoying delicious foods and an intimate ambiance. This gem is true to what the restaurant’s Chef Pappas defines as ‘global comfort’…

A Morning Meditation
I believe that most people who seem lost, are really just on their way. You don’t need to see the end of your destination in order to take the first step towards it, you just need the right amount of…

8 Productivity Hacks from LinkedIn’s finest
Looking for ways to boost your productivity? Here are 8 top pieces of advice from a noteworthy group of industry leaders compiled by LinkedIn. Make note of a few of your favorites and start applying the advice today. Happy People Are…

Help the Jamaican Bobsled team get to Sochi!
Do you remember the movie Cool Runnings? The one about the Jamaican bobsled team making it to the Olympics? Of course you do. Well…it happened again! The only problem is that they do not have enough funding to make it…

Inspiring Words From the Legend Himself — Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through…

Central Park Loving
Today it was sunny and to make the best of the beautiful day, we went for a jog in Central Park. Please enjoy the following pictures along with some history, stats, and fun facts about the park! The Park of…

The Professor
Growing up, I was inspired by many television scientists. They had the ability to take scientific ideas and present them in a way that the audience could relate to. Mr. Wizard, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and Carl Sagan all…

I love walking through the city and New York offers just the right amount of work and play in my day. The West Village is one of NYC’s most picturesque neighborhoods filled with amazing architecture including Washington Square Park. I…

The Doost’s Guide to Visiting Los Angeles!!
Okay, so you’re planning a trip to LA but you’re overwhelmed by all the great things to do. Take it from a Californian, here’s some of my top priorities when visiting hom: The Lake Shrine Temple and Retreat in the…

Monday Inspiration Quotes
One of my closest friends Amitis Ariano is living her dreams. Like many, she’s come to realize it takes a lot of strength, discipline, and most of all will. Her journey is to become a loud voice for the ones…

Sunday at The Met Museum
The Met is filled with locals and tourists. Each there with curious eyes and a purpose! For me, what turned out to be killing time transformed into an adventure, quickly. Above is what it looks like when the weather doesn’t…

The Organic vs. Conventional Potato Experiment!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exBEFCiWyW0 A cute 3rd grader schools us with a potato experiment demonstrating the difference between organic and conventional produce.

How We Built a Great Futon!
Ladies & Gents are you looking for the right Futon Couch to accommodate your guests? Are you concerned about the quality, comfort, style, and price? You may think you’re asking for too much but let me assure you, you are…

How I Spent The Coldest Day of the Season in NYC
Hello my brave East Coasters… you are phenomenal! Why? because you dare to endure all 4 seasons. Today is the coldest January 7th in NYC in over 100 years. It’s so cold it hurts. The temperature felt like it was…