Meet Luie Luna
In Darkness there is always Light They say you can learn a lot about a man from a conversation. It carries truth and only if we listen with a un-judgemental heart and open ear. But is the very first thing…

Quotes & Love
Legends aren’t born they rise. “Impossible is just a small word that is thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in a world they’ve been given to explore the power they have, to change it. Impossible…
Love Unconditional
I’m a believer that the people you love, in part, are a representation of yourself. With that said, I understand the commotion of not being able to help who you fall in love with. But I question it deeply. For I…

I feel this intense desire to travel. The world is a miraculous place and the universe seems endless. My dream is to travel the world and write about it. In hopes that I can share my experience with others and…

How to Make the Healthiest & Most Delicious Persian Salad Shirazi
Food is best at its freshest! And one of my favorites is the most famous Persian style salad, the Shirazi. The dish can be served in many ways. But the key ingredients are cucumbers, tomatoes and red onions. My mom…

Kindness Creates Love & Avoids Arguments
“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” – Lao Tzu, was a mystic philosopher of ancient China. Kindness is a strong force. It revolves on understanding, patience and love. With all three…
Art & Happiness
Manhattan. August 2013 Farther down the street, near the MoMA Museum, I came across a display of giant-sized unique looking dolls. The reflection kept getting in the way of the picture so I decided to make it part of it….

A Tourist in My Own Town
Dare to step outside of your comfort zone. Even if that means just walking down your neighbors street. I’m a believer that anything is possible if one believes it is. If that mind-set is truly crazy then none of the…
Never Give Up
When life puts you in a tough situation, don’t say “why me?” Say “try me!” Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you. Never Give Up ✌ Strength and understanding live…
It’s About Perspective
Do yourself a favor and let love in. Nothing ever gets accomplished through blame and anger. The best things in life develop from understanding and patience. The ability to finding state of peace is part of letting go and acknowledging someone else’s viewpoints…
The Grand Central Terminal
Today I’m taking a day trip to Connecticut and finding adventure on my journey. I’m traveling from Brooklyn to the Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan. And even though I’m familiar with GC there are still attractions, shops and dining I have…
On the Road to Shelter Island
The destination is the focus, but don’t miss the adventure of the journey. The combination makes fills the story with greatness & strenght. Appreciate the simple things in life and you will find yourself tasting the best cheesecakes, cooking with…
Help Others, Help Yourself
“You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar, was a best-selling author and master motivator and mentor. The truth to this statement carries much…

Nutella Challah French Toast Recipe
I love desserts. No matter how full I am I always need to indulge into something sweet after my meals. I also love creating my own dishes with friends and family. It’s not just delicious but fun too. <…
Mr. Dale Carnegie
Dale Carnegie was an interesting man. Mainly because he knew how to be genuinly intrested in his audience. He had famous conversations, wrote intelligent books, and researched some of the most interesting subjects we still talk about today. His success…
The Daily Doost // Be the Light
You cannot hate, argue, reason, fight, complain or yell at a dark room enough to illuminate it – only by shining a Light is darkness overcome. Be that Light. –Anonymous I think it’s important to rise above people’s bullshit….
The New Yorker & Pizza
Take a stroll down your street and be amazed at what you find ✌ “One’s life and passion may be elsewhere, but New York is where you prove if what you think in theory makes sense in life.” Miuccia Prada Found…
Create Opportunity
“He just saw the opportunity, I suppose.” The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald It is important to think beyond what may be. Things happen in an instance and it’s the way we react to them that define us as who…

Recipe for Aashak the Afghan Styled Dumplings
The more my taste buds indulge into different cultures the more similarities I connect. One of them is that each nation has their own version of dumplings. A pocket of dough stuffed with savory or sweets. Like ravioli, pierogi’s, samosas,…
Choose Your Karma
“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” -Dr. Wayne Dyer “Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow…