Nutella Challah French Toast Recipe
I love desserts. No matter how full I am I always need to indulge into something sweet after my meals. I also love creating my own dishes with friends and family. It’s not just delicious but fun too.
div>I own a George Forman Grill which makes me one lucky cook. A grill like that cooks delicious meats, presses sandwiches and makes french toast. It also helps consume cooking time as well as get the extra fats out of your dish.
Cooking time: less than 10 minutes
- Egg Challah
- Nutella
- Wafel and Dinges all natural Spekuloos spread
Whip up a couple eggs and spread it onto the Challah slice. Let it grill on the Foreman until crispy golden brown. Remove and spread on as much Nutella and Spekuloos as desired.

And then we EAT